Rebecca Lowrey Stephens
REALTOR®, Team Lead

Rebecca Lowrey Stephens
REALTOR®, Team Lead

Licensing: 000063537

Who You Work With Matters

Rebecca has been entrenched in real estate all her life. She not only comes from an entire family in the industry; she earned a finance degree with a real estate concentration in college (at The University of Alabama), and has been working full-time in the North Alabama market for over two decades, since 1999.

A huge amount of Rebecca's business comes from personal referrals. She is fully dedicated to taking care of all her clients' needs, armed with a vast depth of knowledge and breadth of experience that has included assisting buyers and sellers, extensive work in new construction, and all facets of real estate. If you're seeking a local expert, great listener, honest advisor and strong negotiator, look no further.

Awards & Designations:

Certified Negotiation Expert, CNE

Accredited Staging Professional, ASP

Certified Residential Specialist, CRS

Accredited Buyer Representative, ABR

Certified Sales Professional, CSP

Graduate Realtor Institute, GRI

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